Home Economics
Home Economics has never been so important as nowadays, with rising levels of social issues such as obesity and poverty. Home Economics is a subject where you will learn how to take care of yourself, others, your home and your environment. As Home Economics is a very practical subject, students will carry out a lot of activities in school and at home. While often seen as a female dominated subject the uptake of Home Economics has steadily increased in the last number of years and we hope to see this continue.
Home Economics forms an integral part of the inclusive education on offer at Colaiste Muire, Crosshaven, Co. Cork. It focuses on the acquisition of knowledge and the development of skills and attitudes that will enable students to take control of their own lives at present and in the future, be it in the home, in further education, in the world of work, or other life situations. The wide range of learning experiences to which the students are exposed will allow them to be flexible and adaptable in the changing situations of modern life.Home Economics emphasises the interdependent relationship that exists between individuals or families and their immediate and distant environment and promotes a sense of responsibility towards sustaining resources within those environments.