Chromebook launch in Coláiste Muire.
We launched student-owned chromebooks for students from First to Fourth Year for the beginning of the 2022/2023 year.
We will be asking students to purchase their own chromebooks for use in school and at home.

Frequently asked questions
What happens if the chromebooks break or fall?
The chromebooks have a one-year warranty. You can also purchase additional warranty or accidental damage as an option if you wish. Perduko will speak to you about your options
What happens if the battery goes?
Each teacher will have access to a charger in their room. Charging is very fast.
My child already has a chromebook. Can they use that?
Yes they can. Once they log in using their school account, they can use it in school.
Can I get an old laptop repurposed as a chromebook?
Yes. This is an option. You may not have the features of a new chromebook but it can be done.
I can’t afford to buy a chromebook at this point in time. What can I do?
An education loan from the Credit Union is one option which has a very low interest rate. Please see link here. — otherwise please contact the school principal and we will find a solution.Will students be using ebooks instead of school books?
In some cases, yes. Depending on the subject, some teachers will be looking to use the ebook, In other subjects, teachers will ask the students to buy the textbook which comes with a free ebook. They may ask to leave the book in school and use the ebook at home or vice versa.
How will students access the ebook?
Subject teachers will spend time in their classes going through the log in process with students.
What will students do with the chromebooks at lunch time?
Students will be asked to put their chromebooks in their lockers at lunchtime
How can I monitor what my son/daughter is accessing on their chromebook?
One option is “Google Family link” which gives parents the ability to monitor their child’s usage. It can be set to whatever level a parent wishes.
The other option is to buy a licence. Please speak to Perduko about this
Will the students get their chromebooks mixed up?
We will be assisting students in labelling their chromebooks.