Mathematics forms an integral part of the holistic education on offer at Coláiste Muire, Crosshaven.
Increasingly, mathematics is the key to opportunity. No longer simply the language of science, mathematics contributes in indirect and fundamental ways to IT, business, finance, health and defence. For students it opens doors to careers. For citizens it enables informed decisions. For nations it provides knowledge to compete in a technological community.
Junior cycle mathematics aims to develop the learner’s mathematical knowledge, skills and understanding needed for continuing their education, and for life and work, and to enable them to appreciate the beauty and power of mathematics in their everyday lives. Please find more information about the Junior Cycle curriculum here.
Leaving Certificate Mathematics aims to develop mathematical knowledge, skills and understanding needed for continuing education, life and work. Please find more information about the Senior Cycle curriculum here. See our Leaving Certificate booklet here: LC Booklet
By teaching mathematics in contexts, we allow learners to see connections within mathematics, between mathematics and other subjects, and between mathematics and its applications to real life. It is envisaged that learners will develop a flexible, disciplined way of thinking and the enthusiasm to search for creative solutions.
At all levels we aim:
To create an active, student centered classroom environment.
To create a classroom environment where students feel comfortable asking questions and exploring creative solutions to problems posed.
To make the study of Mathematics an interesting and enjoyable experience for the students which will last long beyond the classroom
To develop and encourage the use of information and communication technologies in the teaching and learning of Mathematics.
To provide opportunities for students to satisfy their own natural curiosity about numbers in the world in which they live.
To provide continuity from junior level to senior level Mathematics.
To provide opportunities whereby each student may reach their full potential in examinations including state examinations.
Leaving Certificate booklet